Impeccable Success Rate
We take seriously that each audit programme undertaken, should pay for itself. We achieve this goal consistently year on year for our clients.
Our success in covering the cost of audits and generating revenue, has enabled our clients to expand the number of audits performed, year on year. Our values of flexibility and fairness dictate the way we work.
Our 5 Step Process
Step 1
You contact us to discuss your objectives / business needs
Step 2
Under NDA you send across agreements and financial statements for us to review
Step 3
360 Forensic will tailor an audit scope for the targets identified, and allocate a fee aligned with your objectives
Step 4
Upon engagement the targets are notified of audit and an audit date is agreed with a timescale for completion
Step 5
360 Forensic will perform, settle and close the audit in accordance with our Audit Programme
Get more information about our bespoke five step process
Our Fee Structure
Fixed Fee
We calculate our fee based on the number of years, agreements and revenue being audited. Our fee may adjust if clients carry out a number of audits at the same time. We are stringent at making sure our fee never exceeds what we have agreed. Clients deeply respect and value the certainty we offer them by working on a fixed fee, rather than hourly billing.
Contingent Fee
Some clients prefer to have less financial exposure when carrying out audits, which is why we can also work (at our discretion) on a fully contingent basis. Contingency means we are only paid for the work we perform, if the audit generates revenue. We work closely with clients to select viable targets for audit, ensuring positive outcomes for both parties.